Tuesday 7 September 2010

fireworks laa-dee-dum

well, in this post, i'd like to share about fireworks. okay, not about fireworks actually, but about 'fireworks'.

first of all, let me explain about this 'fireworks' (from now on, i'll call it FW). me and my friends (Nadka, Bayu and Nevi) believe that when we fall in like (not love) with somebody, this FW will certainly goes up and make our heart beats faster than ever, all surrounds you disappear and the only things that still exist are only you and your daa-dee-dum. okay that sounds nasty, but believe me, that's true !

but the only thing that i still curious about is, did this FW makes us comfortable? well for example, you have a friend, not the same sex. this so-called-friend makes you feel comfortable if you're with him/her. and then, you realize that you like him/her because you're feel safe and nearly in love with him/her. my question is: can this thing qualified as FW?

NOW. did i get into this situation just right now???

actually, i really defame this thing now -____-. help me please. i'm such an inconsistent girl :(

Thursday 2 September 2010

big girls will survive

okeee gue akan menjalani ujian blok 1 bentar lagi. ini keterangannya:

waktu : 6 September. 4 hari lagi. 96 jam lagi. 5760 menit lagi. 345600 detik
persiapan : baru 30%.
bahan : kalo fotokopiannya ditumpuk, lebih tebel daripada kamus dorland yang
paling tebel.

najissss gue ampe bingung sendiri. soalnya dulu waktu sma, perasaan gue kalo ujian bahannya banyak tetep aja gue nyantai. kok sekarang ngga bisa ya? heran deh.

terus gue dapet contoh soal dari angkatan atas. gue liat soalnya, terus gue merenung. isi renungan gue: 'ini dari 100 soal, terdiri dari 15 topik yang berbeda-beda. berarti kurang lebih 1 topik dapet 6-7 soal kan ya? tapi kok ini Critical Thinking yang bhn pembelajarannya banyak banget kok jatah soalnya cuma 1 sih? Terus Medical Writing itu malah soalnya banyak banget. ANEH BANGET DEH'

sumpah gue bingung sama sistem kuliah. masalahnya, kata senior gue, bahan blok 1 ini masih leha-leha, tunggu masuk blok selanjutnya baru boleh teriak. gue aja sekarang mau teriak deh ah. mana ada kepanitiaan lagi 2 biji. yaoloooooh gue pengen balik ke sma deh.

nah sekarang gue baru sadar, kalo uda masuk kuliah, berarti secara ngga langsung gue melepas kepribadian ababil gue mwaktu masih sma. sekarang dibutuhjkan totalitas penuh dan konsentrasi 100% pada kuliah. ngga bisa nyantai kayak dulu lagi :(. yaaaaaah i really miss my highschool life :'(