Tuesday, 29 June 2010


eeeeeeeep ! i really love this guy ! he's a space ranger which is soooo cool (for me) and he got his romantic side ! eeeeeeeeee love him muah muah !

hahaha lil gag

HUAHAHAHAHA this is so funny ! i found this pictures at someone's tumblr and i reblog this because it's so damn funny hahahahahha. but actually i really like Justin Bieber hehehe

post it

1. I love… many people !
2. Right now I want… poo
3. I feel like… poo
4. I hate it when… i wanna poo
5. I fear… of God
6. I’m lonely without… my friends and family
7. I need… poo
8. Today I… still alive
9. Tomorrow I’m… gonna packing
10. I just… have something in my mind
11. I want to meet… my moron friends
12. I’m hungry for… food !
13. I love it when… it’s rain
14. I’m afraid of… God and death
15. I’m listening to… a beautiful mess
16. I’m wearing… green shirt
17. I wish I was in… Paris, London
18. I’m craving… a holiday at London and Paris
19. I want to get… rid you from my head
20. I can… play piano -___-
21. I can’t… be alone
22. I have… best friends and great family ;)
23. I haven’t… pack yet
24. I’m nervous to… talk to strangers
25. My Mom thinks I’m… a boy
26. My Dad thinks I’m… a girl
28. I’m happy when… something went well
29. I’m sad when… i'm sad -___-
30. I like eating… chocolate, sweets and ice cream
31. I hate eating… bitter foods
32. I love watching… funny things
33. I love listening to… good music
34. I like playing… toys -__-
35. I hate waking up to… hurry
36. I can see… monitor
37. I’m glad that… I’m still alive now
38. I’m disappointed that… i'm such a messy
39. I look like… a girl -_-
40. I wish I looked like… human

taken from someone's tumblr ;)

type. only. one. word.

1. Where is your cell phone? upstairs
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? die
3. Your hair? medium?
4. Work? nay
5. Your father? works
6. Your favorite thing? sleep
7. Your dream last night? running
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream car? corvette
10. The room you’re in? mine
11. Your pet? nonw
12. Your fears? God
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? doctor
14. Where did you hang out last night? pim
15. What you’re not good at? math
16. Eyebrow rings on the opposite sex? ieuuuuuh
17. One of your wish list items? money
18. Where you grew up? lots
19. The last thing you did? chat
20. What are you wearing? pyjamas
21. What aren’t you wearing? necklace
22. The website GoofyAuctions.com (filled with eBay spoofs)? wth
23. Your computer? hp
24. Your life? plain
25. Your mood? plain
26. Missing? milla
27. What are you thinking about right now? surabaya
28. Your car? parent’s
29. Your work? pengangguran
30. Your summer? wth
31. Your relationship status? single
32. Your favorite color? green
33. When is the last time you laughed? 5minutes
34. Last time you cried? 2monthsago
35. School? solongandgoodbye

taken from someone's tumblr :)

If I were

If I were a month, I'd be December
If I were a day of the week, I'd be Saturday
If I were a time of the day, I'd be a stiff night
If I were a planet, I'd be Saturn
If I were a sea animal, I'd be sea-hog or dolphin
If I were a direction, I'd be West
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be a comfy couch
If I were a liquid, I'd be alcohol
If I were a gemstone, I'd be Lapis Lazuli
If I were a tree, I'd be an apple tree
If I were a tool, I'd be an axe
If I were a flower, I'd be a water-lily
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be sunny
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be piano
If I were a color, I'd be green
If I were an emotion, I'd be happiness
If I were a fruit, I'd be Dragon fruit
If I were a sound, I'd be a cheer sound
If I were an element, I'd be an air
If I were a car, I'd be a Corvette
If I were a food, I'd be a Chinese Food
If I were a place, I'd be London
If I were a material, I'd be a stone
If I were a taste, I'd be spicy
If I were a scent, I'd be Bvlgary Omnia
If I were an animal, I'd be a mut
If I were an object, I'd be a coat
If I were a body part, I'd be a heart
If I were a facial expression, I'd be a smile
If I were a song, I'd be Canon in D by Johann Pachelbell
If I were a pair of shoes, I'd be Manolo Blahnik

so, can you guess what type of person i am ;)?

taken from somebody's tumblr :)

Monday, 28 June 2010

post post

jadi beberapa hari yang lalu, teman-teman labil gue, Nadka, Lakan, Nevi, Erica, Raissa dateng ke rumah gue terus kami masak bareng. hasilnya sih oke banget, ada Spagetthi, Potato Salad, Fried Potato Skin, Omelette, Penne, Corn Soup, Croutons dan Shirley Temple (ajeeeeek bahasanya gaol). nah begitulah, akhirnya kami makan sampai hampir mati karena masaknya kebanyakkan. trus kami panggil bala bantuan buat ngabisin tu makanan tapi tetep aja ga abis !

nah singkat cerita, Erica dan para bala bantuan tersebut pulang jam 11.30 malam, dan sisanya nginep dirumah gue. nah biasalah apa yang dilakukan oleh cewe cewe labil, ya pasti gossip. mulai dari curhat labil sampe gossip brutal. tapi satu persatu tumbang karena ngantuk. dimulai dari Nevi, terus Raissa. nah sisanya gue, Lakan sama Nadka.

kami ini menggosipkan tentang kehidupan asmara seorang teman yang amat sangat terlalu galau dan labil. jadi intinya, teman kami ini mungkin berubah menjadi seseorang yang sangat obsesif. jadi cintanya itu bukan karena cinta, tapi karena obsesi. obsesi itu ya harus memiliki, gak mau tau lo suka apa ngga, yang penting lo harus sama gue. okay this is kinda weird. kami bukannya mau mencampuri urusan orang sih, tapi plis deh, you're only a teenager. kehidupan lo masih panjang dan sebaiknya lo jangan terlalu obsesi dengan hal tersebut.

maaf lancang, but i only wrote what i feel. no offense ya :)

kelebihan hormone?

jadi sodara gue baru dateng dari amerika. ceritanya pulang kampung gitu deh. nah sepupu gue ada 3, Natasha (12), Brianna (8) sama Evan (6). mereka ini lahir dan besar di amerika. nah jadi kemaren, gue bawa itu anak-anak labil ke Dufan. pas istirahat dari main-main, kami cerita-cerita deh. ternyata bet ternyata itu anak-anak kecil labil uda pada punya pacar ! anjeeeeeeeeeeeh gue kalah masa, siaul ni ckck.

jadi ceritanya, si Tasya itu lagi dalam proses pdkt katanya, terus bentar lagi jadian, which made me green of envy -___-. si Bri, uda officially jadian (ini watdefak coba). yang terakhir, si evan, ini paling watdefak menurut gue. jadi dia ini ngaku-ngaku uda punya girlfriend (gue ragu dia ngerti arti GF itu sebenernya). berikut cuplikan dialog kami:

gue : so evan, you already got yourself a GF?
evan : yes. her name is Corrina
gue : *masih ga percaya* you're not lying?
evan : i swear ce. i'm not.
tasya : yeah i know that Corrina. everytime she went to our house, evan always hugs her
gue : hah? hugs?
bri : yeah. and he always said to everyone that Corinna is his GF.
gue : HAH?
tasya : oh and he sent her a bouquet of flowers and valentine's card too.
gue : HAH?
bri : and evan always hold Corrina's hand everytime they take a walk.
gue : HAH? HAH? HAH?
evan : ce, are you okay?
gue : *ketawa sendiri*

jadi kurang lebih begitu percakapan kami yang sebagian besar gue cuma cengok dengerinnya. gue yang uda umur 17 ini bahkan saat ini masih jomblo astaga ! apakah mereka kelebihan hormone? apakah pergaulan mereka disana sudah sedemikian majunya? aaaaaaaaaa saya pusing.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

post yang sedikit lebih galau :)

nb: post kali ini sedikit lebih panjang, dan lebih galau.

Glee Cast — One Less Bell To Answer / A House Is Not A Home

One less bell to answer
One less egg to fry
One less man to pick up after
I should be happy
But all I do is cry

(Cry, cry, no more laughter)
Oh, I should be happy
(Oh, why did she go)
I only know that since he left my life's so empty

Though I try to forget it just can't be done
Each time the doorbell rings I still run
I don't know how in the world
To stop thinking of him
(I should be happy)
'Cause I still love him so
I end each day the way I start out
Crying my heart out

One less bell to answer
One less egg to fry
One less man to pick up after
No more laughter
No more love
Since he went away (Since he went away)
Since he went away...

Oooh, A chair is still a chair
Even when there's no one sitting there
Well, I'm not meant to live alone
Turn this house into a home
When I climb the stair and turn the key
Oh, please be there
Still in love with me...

(One less bell to answer)
Each time the doorbell rings, I still run
(One less egg to fry)
One less man (one less man) to pick up after
No more laughter, no more love
Since he went away (Since he went away)
Since he went away
All I do is cry
bagi yang suka Glee, mungkin pada uda tau lagu ini. gue suka banget lagu ini, karena lagu ini gue banget :).
next: gue mau ngepost cuplikan dari novel Autumn in Paris karya Ilana Tan:
'Hidup ini sungguh aneh, juga tidak adil. Suatu kali hidup melambungkanmu setinggi langit, kali lainnya hidup mengempaskanmu begitu keras ke bumi. Ketika aku menyadari dilah satu-satunya yang paling kubutuhkan dalam hidup ini, kenyataan berteriak di telingaku dia juga satu-satunya orang yang tidak boleh kudapatkan. Kata-kataku mungkin terdengar tidak masuk akal, tetapi percayalah, aku rela melepaskan apa saja, melakukan apa saja, asal bisa bersamanya. Tetapi apakah manusia bisa mengubah kenyataan?
Satu-satunya yang bisa kudapatkan sekarang adalah keluar dari hidupnyal Aku tidak akan melupakan dirinya, tetapi aku harus melupakan perasaanku padanya walaupun itu berarti aku harus menghabiskan sisa hidupku mencoba melakukannya. Pasti butuh waktu lama sebelum aku bisa menatapnya tanpa merasakan apa yang kurasakan setiap kali aku melihatnya. Mungkin suatu hari nanti, aku tidak tahu kapan, rasa sakit ini akan hilang dan saat itu kami baru akan bertemu kembali'
nyeeeeeeeeeeet ini gue bangeeeeeeeeet astagah. pokoknya kombinasi antara lagu diatas sama cuplikan novel tadi adalah kombinasi yang tepat untuk mendescribe hidup gue sekarang ini men.
galau. cengeng. goblok. cupu. iya, itu semua gue sekarang ini.
anyway, gue mau bahas sedikit soal penggunaan kata sayang. kata ini sering kita jumpai di kehidupan sehari-hari. entah mau ke pacar kek, orang tua kek, piaraan, siapapun deh. intinya, ini kata sangat populer. nah ada sedikit pembicaraan gue dengan beberapa teman gue terkait masalah penggunaan kata ini. temen gue berasumsi bahwa kata sakral ini, belum pantas untuk digunakan oleh remaja-remaja labil seperti kita sekarang.
sayang berarti lo siap untuk hidup dengannya seumur hidup lo, spend rest of your life with him/her, siap berbagi suka dan duka, dan yang ekstrem tapi bener, lo bersedia mati bareng dan menanggung bebannya. dan apakah kita (gue ngomong sebagai kaum remaja) udah siap buat kata sayang ini? apakah kita semua siap terlibat dalam unconditional love, dimana lo memberikan seluruh hidup dan passion lo disana? kalo misalnya kayak bonyok gue yang uda nyaris 20 tahun hidup bersama dan berbagi suka dan duka bersama tanpa cerai, itu sih really allowed to use that word. gue bukannya ngelarang untuk menggunakan kata itu, tapi jika seandainya lo belom siap, sebaiknya please, stop using that word.
setelah pembicaraan itu, gue jadi sedikit agak (maaf) jijik dengan remaja labil yang ngomong 'gue sayang banget sama dia'. kejijikan gue ini beralasan dan please no offense ya karena gue cuma mengutarakan apa yang gue rasakan. in case gue punya temen yang pernah ngomong buat pacarnya, 'gue sayang banget sama dia. gue berharap sih gue ngga bakal putus sama dia. gue berharap ntar gue bisa spend the rest of my life with him'. DULU sih gue mikir, 'waaaah sweet banget ya :D'. sekarang temen gue itu uda putus, dan dalam hanya beberapa bulan, dia uda jadian lagi sama cowok lain. watdefak banget woi. mana kata-kata lo yang amat sangat manis itu??? hilang ditelan bumi? oh my banget deh.
dulu, gue juga pernah menggunakan kata itu, tapi gue sekarang realize kalo gue belom nemu orang yang tepat untuk gue berikan kata itu (besides my parents of course). jadi sekarang gue sangat mengontrol keluarnya kata tersebut. thanks to my friends, nadka dan nevi yang sudah memberikan pencerahan bangi gue tentang kata ini :) love you guys :*.
sekali lagi, no offense ya :)

Monday, 14 June 2010

warning for you, dorky

i'd like to make this thing clearly: i hate being judge with the people that absolutely have no idea about who am i, what i'm thinking about, and what i'm writing about. in fact, there is one pigheaded mind like that.

this post is about some meathead person. this person think that he/she is the smartest, the knowest, and any self-centered thing. i don't care if you get mad with me after i posted this, because i've right to post it here, this is my blog !

i'm not trying to be sensitive, but helloooooo i tried being patient with you dork ! i tried not to explode my emotion out because i wanted to be friend with you, not foe ! i tried to be delicate to you because i don't want to raise damn enemy ! do you realize dat so many people are hating you? do you realize dat so many people talked behind your back? you always talk like you know the most and you always judge something without knowing the truth !

i warn you weakling, i've had enough of this thing. you're two-faces human and i surely never ever got to be in your way. i get really peevish !!!!!!!

doubt it not

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die.
Genesis 2:17

this is me.

i never thought of this way it could be. if i know that these things would ended like this, i would never ever decided to get involved. yes, maybe it's noble enough to taste these things, but believe me, i'm in a dead phase now, like the script was written, 'the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die'.

the problem is, i think i'm irrevocably in 'liking' phase with someone, really. it's ridiculous. i never felt this thing before. i tried to think of a logical solution that could explain what i just felt, a solution that excluded the assumption that i was insane.

maybe i just need to drifted away, feel my arms closed. and, dspite all the horror and hopelessness, i was fleetingly happy. and i finally, i doubt it not, that i'm really into these things.

hal baik?

gue ga bisa benci sama orang. gatau kenapa. paling adanya cuma kesel luar biasa, terus jadi kesel, dan 2 hari kemudian ilang tak berbekas. apalagi kalo orangnya uda baik sama gue, beeehh gue baikin deh tuh orang.

contohnya: beberapa waktu yang lalu, gue benci (saat itu gue mengartikan rasa ini sebagai benci) luar biasa sama seseorang. saking bencinya, gue melihat apapun yang ada dianya bisa marah-marah sendiri. tapi setelah 2 hari kemudian, gue kembali normal.

yaaaaah menurut gue oke juga sih ngga jadi orang pendendam, tapi menurut gue habit gue ini rada aneh -___-. mungkin faktor genetis juga kali ya, soalnya nenek sama tante gue juga gitu. yasudahlah, setidaknya bisa hemat umur juga sih ngga dendaman hahaha. sekian ;)

Sunday, 13 June 2010

i'm not longer a high school student

wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i'm not longer high school student ! did i feel excited? sejujurnya, ENGGA. dulu gue pengen cepet-cepet lulus, tapi sekarang waktu udah dilulusin, ngga seneng. emang deh manusia ngga pernah puas ckckckck.

kata orang-orang, masa SMA adalah masa yang paling indah. rata-rata senior-senior gue juga bilang kalau they truly miss high school life. oke, gue mau review sebentar masa SMA gue.

3 tahun yang lalu, gue masuk di Kolese Gonzaga. setelah menjalani MOS, akhirnya kami, #21 resmi menjadi murid Kolese Gonzaga. to be honest with, gue dulu mikir, 'ah paling ini sekolah sama aja kayak SMP. kurang kebersamaan gitu deh.' JUJUR, gue dulu mikir gitu. tapi seiring berjalannya kehidupan gue di sekolah ini, dan apalagi setelah menjalani Jambore, gue mikir kalo gue ngga salah milih sekolah. kebersamaan di sekolah ini terasa banget. apalagi gue sempat ikut Temu Kolese 2008, dimana gue berkumpul dengan Kolese-Kolese lainnya. bener-bener terasa banget semangat Kolese. serius, sekarang aja waktu nulis ini gue merinding, terserah deh mau dibilang lebay. tapi yang jelas, di Gonz gue banyak belajar.

padahal baru kemarin #21 di-graduasi, tapi gue uda ngerasa kangen banget and i really miss #21. padahal baru 1 hari loh ckckck dasar gue Galau Gonz (anyway, Galau Gonz itu si Cis yang ngajarin. gue baru nambah vocab baru). ga heran deh para senior sering kangen sama Gonzaga.

kayaknya post-post berikutnya gue bakal sering Galau Gonz deh. bersiaplah ! hohohohoho

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

bikin kue, meledak

hari yang cerah ini dimulai dengan pikiran iseng gue buat bikin roti.

sebelumnya, notice this: gue ngga pernah bikin kue ato roti. gue ga bisa masak sama sekali. intinya, masak nasi jadi bubur berlaku buat gue.

lanjut. nah gue lapor nyokap dulu atas niat gue yang tauladan ini dan disambut dengan muka shock nyokap. lanjutlah gue bikin roti. gue follow the recipe secermat mungkin sehingga pikiran yang ada di otak gue: ga mungkin deh gagal, wong lo ikutin resep kok. *evil smirk*

segalanya berjalan dengan baik sampai akhirnya gue mau ngisi fillingnya. i decided to go with chocolate because hell yeah i'm the biggest fan of chocolate. nah gue cairkanlah itu coklat. gue isi itu roti dengan coklat yang super banyak. kira-kira perbandingan antara roti dengan filling itu 1:1. (iya gue tau ini goblok kok, ini sumber kesalahannya)

nah gue dengan kepercayaan diri yang sedemikian luar biasa masukin itu roti-roti ke oven. gue tinggal nonton dvd tuh roti. gue nonton kickass sambil menunggu roti naas tersebut matang *bangga*

10 menit kemudian, gue balik dengan hati ceria dan begitu gue buka ovennya : ROTINYA MELEDAK DAN COKLATNYA KELUAR SEMUA. goblooooooooooooooooooooook !!!

aaaaah padahal gue uda seneng gitu mau pamer ke orang-orang kalo gue bisa bikin roti aaaaaah gagal sudah. dengan hati pilu, gue cobain itu roti. eh ternyata hasilnya enak lho ! emang luarnya ancur sih tapi beneran enak ! gue bangga akan diri gue sendiri uhuuuuuy !

dengan ini gue mempelajari sesuatu yang berharga: never put the filling in the bun with 1:1 comparison huhuhu -____-

Yes, i'm new

yeah i'm new into this kind of thing. i'm not used to this kind of blogging world actually but i really need a place where i can share my emotion and trashy things out. okay, enough of this thing.

well. i'm Irene and my current age (when i wrote this post) is 17. soon (about in 2 months), i'll be a medical student at Atma Jaya University. my life is plain, somehow a lil bit complicated. i'm moron, and still kind of labile soul. i'm not good at English and grammar (sorry if there's so many grammar error). i love hanging around with my friends, which all of them are joker. i'm a girl with lots of dreams actually. simple girl. that's all.

ok, see y'all around then :)